Friday, 25 October 2013

Happy Halloween from Heck!

Yeah, didn't think Heckoween worked very well. Anywho, here's a an image of the Ferryman taking Stan across the River of Souls... Stan, eager to ruin any sense of atmosphere decides this would be a perfect time to try out his pirate impression.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Creature Features!

Hi diddly ho! I'm holding a mini competition of sorts for this bunch of uglies below- just name your favourite or favourites and in a few days I'll tally the scores and create more finalized images for the top 3! The inhabitants of Heck are a varied bunch so I'm hoping to make my next set even weirder! 

In the mean time I realise my progress and updates have been a little slack as of late so here's an image I did a few weeks back of a gentleman named Rodney. His skills involve knocking things over and making sure they don't get up again.
Heck will see Stan visit the mortal realm of Urf among several others so he'll have many people to interact with. Being the over thrown dictator of the underworld, he may not be as popular as he'd have liked...

Friday, 11 October 2013

Goddess Angelica

Ok, so I couldn't resist working on some characters outside of Heck. Whilst I work on a few animations for Stan I'll post a few of these up.

Goddess Angelica- daughter of The Mighty One. Kind, beautiful... exceptionally dumb and impossibly naive. She has spent an eternity in Haven, never being able to interact with the lowly people of Urf. Her dream is to win The Exploit Contest and become a popstar. She's not prepared to let small matters such as being unable to sing and dance get in her way.

Friday, 4 October 2013

In the Toilet...

Small update:

Soul Food Burger always excels when it comes to matters of hygiene. At least that's what they say anyway. This is it for the backgrounds for the time being- next up is working on some basic animations for Stan.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Locations Locations...

Bonjour mon Minions!

So for the past few weeks I've been working on the initial area of the game- Stan's place of work- Soul Food Burger. As you can imagine it's one of those fast food restaurants that tries its hardest to look family friendly whilst actually being dilapidated. Stan's quest begins here as he has something of an epiphany and begins his escape. In order to do so he'll have to solve some puzzles and maybe exact a bit of vengeance on his former boss and colleagues. In total the game will take place over several different worlds, Heck just being one of them.

I've been having fun with these environments - as always everything is subject to change- pushing the perspective and warping everything gives it a more cartoon style which will (hopefully) benefit the characters. An adventure game is only as good as it's characters and puzzles so I've got to make sure not to get carried away with endless drawings and really focus on the important stuff - though I do want the game to look good too. The images themselves are 1028 x 768 which I believe is the largest resolution Adventure Game Studio can manage so there's a chance they might have to be scaled down for performance reasons. Time will tell...